Abstract submission
- Attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentations in the area of QSP and mechanism-based PK-PD.
- Abstracts can be submitted through the online form after user registration. You can only submit an abstract after registering for QSPC2022
- The organizers may select and invite presenters to present an abstract as part of the oral program (e.g. as oral flash presentation).
- Multiple abstracts can be submitted.
- The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to February 14, 2022.
- Abstract guidelines: Max. 3000 characters with spaces for main text excluding references. Structured according to the following headings: Background/objectives, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
- With submission it is possible to indicate whether you would like the abstract to be considered for a 2 minute poster flash talk during one of the plenary sessions.
Embargo policy
Abstracts will be made available for registered participants through the use of a smart phone application. This application will have the functionality to exchange written messages with the author that submitted the abstract.
- Poster layout: Portrait format, size A0 or similar.
- The poster session will be held on-site. There will not be an online poster session in parallel to the on-site session.
Registration website for QSPC2022QSPC Conference Organizersinfo@qspc.eu
QSPC Conference Organizersinfo@qspc.euhttps://www.qspc.eu/qspc2022
Hooglandse kerkHooglandse kerkNieuwstraat 20 2312 KC Leiden Netherlands